Dear Dive Pool

Damian Chong
Dec 6, 2023



Dear Dive Pool,

thank you for your mysterious depths, and your gentle currents.

in your clear blue chlorine-scented waters,

i’ve drowned and drowned,

drowned and kicked myself up,

shed tears that unite with your waters,

and failed to jump that intimidating tower.

Though my last memory with you is filled with dismay,

i won’t forget the times where you were good to me.

If fate allows, and when we reunite,

may your waters grant me peace as i gracefully kick my way across all your depths.

Thank you for the fears that I’ve conquered and the fears that still exist.

Thank you for teaching me

how to be calm in an ocean of panic

and guarding me with your waters.

Through you,

I’ve came to not only love the waters, but enjoy the sun and

the marks it leaves me with.



Damian Chong

Singapore-based budding writer who is obsessed with garlic bread and lip balms.